Rabu, 11 November 2009
Name of School : SMA Negeri 1 Tuban
Lesson : Islamic Religious Education
Class / Semester : X / A
Allocation of Time : 8 Hour Lessons (45 x 8)
A. Competency Standards
1. Understanding the sources of Islamic syari’ah, and wisdom worship Taklifi
B. Basic Competence
1. Mentioned sense, the position and function of the Holy Qur'an, Al-Hadith and Ijtihad as a source of Islamic syari’ah.
2. Explaining terms, the position and function of taklifi under Islamic syari’ah.
3. Applying the role of taklifi in our life everyday.
C. Indicators
1. Mentioned sense, the position and function of the Holy Qur'an, Al-Hadith and Ijtihad as a source of Islamic syari’ah with the indicators :
a. Ability to explain the meaning, status and function of the Holy Qur'an as a source of Islamic syari’ah.
b. Ability to explain the meaning, position and function of Al Hadith as a source of Islamic syari’ah.
c. Ability to explain all kinds and functions of Al-Hadith and AlQuran.
d. Ability to explain the meaning, position and function of Ijtihad as a source of Islamic syari’ah
2. Mentioned sense, the position and function of law in syari’ah of taklifi with indicator
a. Ability to explain legal terms in Islamic syari’ah taklifi
b. Ability to explain the legal position in Islamic syari’ah taklifi
c. Ability to explain the function of law in Islamic syari’ah taklifi
3. Applying the law taklifi in our life everyday :
a. Ability to show examples of behavior in accordance with the syari’ah taklifi in our life everyday
b. Ability to practice and get the appropriate behavior in taklifi syari’ah in our life everyday
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students are able to explain the sense, the position and function of the Holy Qur'an, Al-Hadith and Ijtihad as a source of Islamic syari’ah
2. Students are able to explain the sense, the position and function of syari’ah in the taklifi
3. Students are able to get used / applied behavior consistent with taklifi law in our life everyday
E. Learning Materials
1. Sources of Islamic Law (The Qur'an, Al-Hadith and Ijtihad)
a. Source of Islamic law - all things that serve as a reference or framework for the development of Islamic teachings is the Holy Qur'an, al Hadith and the product of Ijtihat system ).
b. Al Qur'an - the Word of God which is given to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel with the use of Arabic and read the prayer.
• Understanding - from the Arabic "qoraa"
• Period decline Qur'an - revealed for 22 years 2 months and 22 days in two places is Makkah (sub-makiyah) and in the Medina (the verses Medinan sura).
• Status - the first source of Islamic teachings
• How the Qur'an revealed - berangsung gradually through the angel Gabriel, dreams, behind the veil and gemerincingnya bell.
• The Holy Qur'an - as a guide, instructions, and the difference between truth and falsehood of mankind.
c. Al Hadith (what is resting to the Prophet in the form of words, deeds and decrees of the Prophet).
• Understanding Hadith - in addition to al Hadith, also found the terminology As Sunnah, and Khabar Atsar.
• Position - a source of Islamic teachings after the Qur'an (Surah An-Nisa ': 56).
• Function - mengutakan provisions defined in the Qur'an, explained that the law has been defined by the Qur'an and lays down the law something that has not been defined by the Qur'an.
• Classification of Hadith - mutawatir and Hasan, Sahih and Dlaif, Nabawi and Qudsi, Qouliyah, fi'liyah and taqririyah etc.
d. Ijtihad (the mobilization of all abilities to discover the legal provisions of a problem that has not been regulated in detail Al Quran and Al-Hadith).
• Basic legality of ijtihad - Qs. An-Nisa ': 56 and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad dialogue with Muadz Bin Jabal.
• Position - Ijtihad is the source of the third Islamic teachings after the Qur'an and Hadith.
• Various kinds of Ijtihad - Ijtihad in secret and open ijtihad.
• The form and how to determine the law according to ijtihad - Ijma ', Qiyas, Istihsan, Istishab, urf, Al Maslahah mursalah and Saddud Dara'
• Object Ijtihad - ubudiyah law and not matters relating to the problem i'tiqodiyah (creed)
2. Taklifi law in Islamic law (the sense and stuff).
a. Taklifi legal sense - the provisions of (the demands of God to do and or leave) given to people mukallah
b. Various legal taklifi - Payer, Sunan, Haram, Makruh and Mubah
F. Step-by-step activities
No Phase Actifity Time
SESSION I (2 X 45 Minutes)
1 Pre Actifity 1. Teachers provide an explanation regarding the procedure and discussion of topics ranging study in accordance with the decree, KD and his subject matter
2. Teachers provide guidance and motivation of the sources of Islamic law
2 Core Actifity 1. Teachers do random understanding of understanding, the position and function of the Holy Qur'an and Al-Hadith and matters related thereto.
2. Teachers provide an explanation of terms, the position and function of the Holy Qur'an and Al-Hadith and matters related to the students in the form of lectures and interactive dialogue
3. Teachers give quizzes / questions to the student to capture value.
3 The end Activity Teacher gives the final form of conclusion, notes, and suggestions
SESSION II AND III (4 X 45 Minutes)
1 Pre Actifity Teacher Activity 1 provides guidance on the material to be presented at this meeting.
2 Core Actifity 1. Teacher divides students in 8 groups
2. Each group read a related reference books Understanding Ijtihad, functions and methods in the form of law-Ijma 'and Qiyas and al Maslahah Mursalah.
3. Each group discusses the notion of Ijtihad, functions and methods in the form of law-Ijma 'and Qiyas and al Maslahah Mursalah and poured it in a simple writing
4. Each group presented the results of the discussion in terms of Ijtihad format, functions and methods in the form of law-Ijma 'and Qiyas and al Maslahah Mursalah complete with examples.
5. Teeachers give quizzes / questions to the student to capture value.
3 The end Activity In the end, Teacher gives the final word of explanation and discussion of the manufacture of scenarios will be displayed at the next meeting.
SESSION IV (4 X 45 Minutes)
1 Pre Actifity Teacher Activity 1 provides guidance on the law and the kinds taklifi-kind (Payer, Sunnah, Haram, Makruh and Mubah)
2 Core Actifity 1. Teacher divides students into 5 discussion groups then took them to the Small Mosque or other religious tempah.
2. Each group will receive one envelope containing the legal kind taklifi and some commands in it.
3. Each group discussed the appearance in accordance with the legal order in the envelope taklifi
4. Each group for each group displays an example of direct practice in accordance with the law taklifi in the envelope.
5. Teachers give quizzes / questions to the student to capture value
3 The end Activity End Teacher gives the final word in the form of conclusions, notes, and suggestions and assignment (PR) if necessary.
G. Source of Learning Tools
1. The Qur'an and the translation (depag RI)
2. Buku PAI Kelas X Karya Drs. Syamsuri (Penerbit Erlangga Surabaya).
3. Buku PAI Kelas X Karya Tim penyusun Fak. Tarbiyah UIN Suka Yogyakarta (Penerbit Cempaka Putih/Intan Pariwara)
4. Ad Dienul Islam karya Drs. Nasruddin Razak
5. Fiqh Islam Karya Sulaiman Rasyid.
6. Fiqh Sunnah Karya Sayyid Sabiq.
H. Assessment
No Nmr Indi-kator Assessment
indicators Sources materials tools Type of Sample Collection Form Instrument Instrument Collection Form Instrument
1 individual Task Descrip-tion 1. Explain the meaning of the Qur'an and the term aspect of language
2. Describe the position and function of the Holy Qur'an as a source of Islamic law. The Qur'an and the translation
Islamic Fiqh (Solomon Rasyid.
2 individual Task Descrip-tion 1. Explain the meaning of al Hadith of aspects of language and terms
2. Describe the position and function of the Al Hadith as a source of Islamic law
3 individual Task Descrip-tion Duty-free description of the individual and explain Mention al Hadith 3 functions of the Qur'an as a source of Islamic law.
4 individual Simple task 1. Describe the sense Al Ijtihad of the aspects of language and terms
2. Describe the function of Ijtihad as a source of Islamic law.
3. Describe the kinds of ijtihad according to the Mujtahid.
2 1 Individual Simple Task A brief description of the understanding Explain Taklifi Law in Islamic law
2 Individual Simple Task Describe a brief description of the status of law in Islamic law Taklifi
3 Individual Simple Task A brief description Taklifi Explain the function of law in Islamic law
3 1 Individual Simple Task behavioral observation group 3 samples show behavior consistent with the law Taklifi
2 Individual Simple Task behavioral observation Practice Sheet 3 examples of behavior in accordance with the law taklifi
I. Appendix
1. Format penilaian kemampuan mengidentifikasi kata kunci sumber hukum Islam
2. Format penilaian kemampuan mengidentifikasi kata kunci hukum taklifi
3. Lembar pengamatan praktek prilaku yang sesuai dengan hukum Taklifi
Tuban, July 20, 2008
Knowing the teacher
Head of SMA Negeri 1 Tuban
Dra. Suprapti, M.Pd. Drs. IHSAN
NIP. 130806444 NIP. 150249523